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exemplar in English Swedish-English translation - DinOrdbok

Den här tunikaklänningen är uppsydd i ett unikt exemplar av ett fantastiskt vintagetyg från mina gömmor. Modellen har jag formgivit själv. Den är ärmlös och har  Paeonia mlokosewitschii. Svavelpion, Paeonia mlokosewitschii, har blekgula enkla blommor i en skålform.

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How to use exemplar in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of exemplar. Exemplar is a Void affinity epic from the High Elves. Exemplar is badly in need of a buff, her kit doesn’t offer enough team utility to offer significant value. Exemplar’s best area of the game is Fireknight due to the multi-hit abilities on her A1 and A2 but falls behind many other epics! Plarium please buff … Welcome to your Exemplar programme . Latest Results: Login to your account Exemplar Education has been a pioneer of high quality, affordable, supplementary home-based maths and English education in the UK since 1991.

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Översättning 'exemplar' – Ordbok engelska-Svenska Glosbe

Exemplarframställning av verk är reglerad och skyddad genom lagar och avtal om upphovsrätt. exemplar.

En exemplar

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The exemplar of salamander paedomorphosis is the Mexican axolotl. His money and position have rendered him insensate, an exemplar of a culture which has become itself insensate, which refuses to learn from history. 1.
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children tend to follow the example of their parents pattern suggests a clear and detailed archetype or prototype. A ray of light amid all this nonsense was Gwyn Topham's piece in the Guardian, which was timely, measured, accurate and of appropriate tone.That this single report stood out so clearly as an exemplar is a scathing comment in itself on the volumes of drivel surrounding it. The exemplar of salamander paedomorphosis is the Mexican axolotl. His money and position have rendered him insensate, an exemplar of a culture which has become itself insensate, which refuses to learn from history. 1. One that is worthy of imitation; a perfect example or model. See Synonyms at ideal.