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31 January 2019. Developing and deploying faster with increased agility using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, Greek version follows. Uni Systems delivered a unique hands-on technical workshop for the first time in Athens: the Containers and Cloud-Native Roadshow, presented by Red Hat, aimed at educating enterprise and application architects, developers and engineers on how to build, deploy and manage containerized cloud-native applications using industry-standard open source technologies. Join experts from Devoteam and Red Hat on 4th June 2019 for a unique hands-on experience of building, deploying, and managing containerised cloud-native applications using industry-standard open source technologies and RedHat OpenShift. A complimentary hands-on experience day for Ops and Dev professionals Date: 4th June 2019 Time: 08:30 – 16:30 Venue: CodeNode, 10 South Place, London EC2M 7EB Map Join experts from Devoteam and Red Hat and your technical peers for a unique hands-on experience of building, deploying, and managing containerised cloud-native applications using industry-standard open […] The Containers and Cloud-Native Roadshow Installer. This repositpry enables you to create the Containers and Cloud-Native Roadshow - Dev Track by deploying required services (lab instructions, CodeReady Workspace, RH-SSO, RHAMT, Istio, and more) which are used during the labs. The Container & Cloud-Native Roadshow will be held completely virtual on the 29th of September 2020 for Switzerland and Germany.

Red hat containers and cloud-native roadshow

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März 2020 Gemeinsam mit RedHat präsentierte gepardec am 5.3.2020 erstmals die Container & Cloud-Native Roadshow in der Factory 300 in Linz. 11 Apr 2018 Red Hat even has a “Containers and Cloud-Native Roadshow.” In some respects , this may seem surprising. Containers don't run only in the  30 Ene 2020 CNCF Kubernetes Guatemala presents Containers & Cloud Native Roadshow - Cómo utilizar OpenShift de RedHat | Jan 30, 2020.

Red hat containers and cloud-native roadshow

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Join us if you’re a developer, software engineer, web designer, front-end designer, UX designer, computer scientist, architect, tester, product manager, project manager or team lead. Red Hat Container & Cloud-Native Roadshow Frankfurt, Presented by Viada. Viada und Red Hat Roadshow am 11. April 2019 in Frankfurt Die „Container- und Cloud-Native Roadshow“ bietet eine einzigartige, praxisnahe Erfahrung der Entwicklung, Bereitstellung und Verwaltung containerisierter, Cloud-nativer Anwendungen mithilfe branchenüblicher Open Source-Technologien. 2017-01-03 · The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is taking to the road February 7-9 in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver to offer end users, developers, students and other community members the ability to learn from experts at Red Hat, Apprenda and CNCF on how to use Kubernetes and other cloud native technologies in production.

Red hat containers and cloud-native roadshow

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11 Apr 2018 Red Hat even has a “Containers and Cloud-Native Roadshow.” In some respects , this may seem surprising. Containers don't run only in the  30 Ene 2020 CNCF Kubernetes Guatemala presents Containers & Cloud Native Roadshow - Cómo utilizar OpenShift de RedHat | Jan 30, 2020.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à l'événement Container & Cloud-Native Roadshow, co-organisé par Devoteam et Red Hat ! Vous participerez à une expérience unique pour la mise en pratique, la création, le déploiement et la gestion d'applications cloud natives conteneurisées en utilisant les standards de l'industrie des technologies open source. RedHat Containers and Cloud-Native Roadshow Praha Vám umožní získat unikátní praktické zkušenosti při vytváření, nasazování a správě kontejnerovaných cloudových aplikací po Die Container & Cloud-Native Roadshow 2020 fand in Zusammenarbeit mit Red Hat® am 5.3.2020 in der Factory 300 in Linz statt. Für uns als „Presenter“ war es eine Premiere ein solches Event auf die Beine zu stellen.
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Containers don't run only in the  30 Ene 2020 CNCF Kubernetes Guatemala presents Containers & Cloud Native Roadshow - Cómo utilizar OpenShift de RedHat | Jan 30, 2020. Find event  Siste tweets fra Red Hat Nordics (@RedHatNordics).